MMC 2009

MMC 2009
Angus Buchan

MMC 2009

MMC 2009
Ongeveer 150 000 mans in 2009

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bloemfontein se manne Izak,Jaco,Aneel,Jan saam met Drikus en Albert van die Paarl en Stellenbosch

Hier is ons buurmanne van Bloemfontein langs wie ons gekamp het. Baie dankie aan julle vir die goeie geselskap en kom maak gerus 'n draai as julle in die Kaap kom.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Laaste aand braai...

Oom Angus.... "Ek is my grootste vyand, my vlees se dood beteken dat Hy lewe..."

Raak ontslae van die "eie ek" en jy sal waarlik lewe... Soos in die Woord:"..vir my is die lewe Christus, en die sterwe wins!" - A. Ahrens

Nog manne van die Perdeberg..

Dis my neef Jan en my buurman Daniël. Dis altyd lekker om tussen sowat 300 000 mans uit te vind jy kamp net 100 m uitmekaar , in ag geneem dat die kampplek seker 5 km wyd is

Angus se preek - Saterdagoggend - 17 April 2010

"Watchmen of the House"

(Ek gaan in Oom Angus se huistaal skryf , want die vertaalwerk gaan lank vat)

Angus begin to say that every man here is ordained by God and that there is a reason why he is here.The main passage in the bible for this event is Ezekiel 3:17-19, to be a watchman for your fellow man,family and the nation.The watchman must warn people to turn from their wicked ways or else their blood will be on your hands.If you do that and they still don't turn , at least you did the part where you stood up for God and do His will.

The previous night in the sermon angus read a sentence by some famous man of God who said " As a man is in his heart , so he sees ". What he meaned by that was the way a man believes in his heart about the world and circumstances will also be the way he sees things through his eyes.The eyes is only a window to the heart.

The other great thing to remember is to wait on the Lord.Angus first told how he went for a whole week before the event to the woods on his farm , to seek the face of the Lord.He told how a young man from Vryheid drove 4 hours to just tell him one thing. "You are to busy !"

One of the great missionaries , the well known John Wesley,once said,"I am to busy to be in a hurry." The lesson being not to do things over and over 10 times but do the things you must do , diligently but without being just busy and not have time for God.

We must also learn to serve and almost be like a butler or waiter in real life. If there is one thing God hates , it is pride. Angus told the story of a good friend who always as he pass a group of donkeys,will take his hat of and salute them.Angus would ask him for what he is doiing that.His friend replied that the donkey is such a humble animal and the only one with a cross on it's back, and then it was the animal that brought his King,Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

Then Angus read out of II Kings 2.It was about Elijah and Elisha , and the way Elisha served his master.He served him so diligently and never wanted to leave him.In the end he did twice as many miracles as Elijah, but it was his persistance to do God's will that made him a great prophet.How do we serve the Lord on the moment...

God is challenging us to become waiters. His eyes are running to and through the crowd to see who are the people willing to serve him.The famous Martin Luther King once was asked what is the three most important things about his life. He just said , humility,humility and humility.

Angus then gave the whole crowd five minutes to just keep very quiet,close their eyes and listen what God wants to tell them. After that the whole crowd got on their knees and got the chance to repent of their sins and also to commit their lives to serve the Lord Jesus from now onwards.Jesus spend 30 years with His Father before he ministered for three years on earth.

The service came to an end with thousands of new commitments to Jesus.

We are looking forward towards the rest of the weekend's sermons...
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Albert,Drikus,Daniel en Jan van die Perdeberg , Wes Kaap

Almal sing saam tot lof en eer van ons Heer...

Michiel staan by hulle lekker stort..... dit was omtrent 'n toeriste attraksie !

Dit is ons ander buurman Michiel met wie se hulp ons kampervaring op Shalom toe baie glad verloop het. Hulle het al die vorige Sondag kamp opgeslaan en vir ons 'n klein stukkie kamplek op hulle 'prime spot' gegee.Hulle het ons ook gehelp met gas sodat ons net nog groter kon gaan met die braaiery.

Sterkte Michiel met jou skrynwerkonderneming en mag die Here jou sëen in jou bediening....

Saterdagoggend...Drikus en Albert op die koeltrok se dak

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Ons het relatief naby aan voor gesit... Tog is die stage nog 'n redelike ent voor ons... Hier is baie, baie, baie mans!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Vrydagaand se diens

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Mens moet darem seker ook iets eet...

Daar is meer vlae as op Loftus...

"Spoed kamera" hou die opwinding in toom.....

Duisende voertuie het die Vrydag ingestroom

Daar is teen vanoggend vroeg alreeds oor die 200 000 kaartjies ge"scan" ..... en die manne stroom steeds in!

Waar voorheen Angus se "Green cathedral" was is nou letterlik een masiewe kerk...

Die atmosfeer ...

Daar is n wonderlike atmosfeer op die plaas vanoggend... Ek het vroeer vir Drikus gese dat dit voel amper asof ons reeds in die 1000 jaar van vrede is... Dis 'n vreemde gevoel, veral na al die spanning in die land wat die afgelope tyd in ons almal se gedagtes onsekerheid kweek...

Maar hier is die atmosfeer anders... Die gemak en rus wat ek ervaar is onbeskryflik... Die Here se teenwoordigheid is onbeskryflik en dit is op die stadium vir my meer van 'n fisiese gevoel as n geestelike gevoel. Ek voel gesond sonder pyn of skeet en het net lanklaas so rustig gevoel. Ek is alhoewel oortuig dat die geestelike ervaring onbeskryflik is en gaan wees!
Alle eer aan ons Heer en Koning, JESUS CHRISTUS !!!!!!!

Drikus voor die stage.

Manne besig om voorbidding te doen...

Drikus besig om foto's op ons BLOG te sit....

Genoeg sitplek vir 400 000 mans

In die agtergrond kan die verhoog gesien word waar Angus Buchan preek met aan die linkerkant een van die baie kamplekke wat reeds vanoggend vol was.
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Duisende mans het reeds opgedaag

Tot vanoggend is daar reeds oor die 200 000 kampkaartjies uitgedeel.
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Ons eie kampplek

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Een van die vele waterpunte...

Koffie na 'n 'epic' aand op Shalom...

Vrydagoggend - Daar is baie manne wat instroom

Daar was teen vanoggend 200 000 kampkaartjies uitgedeel van manne wat reeds kamp opgeslaan het.Ons is maar bly ons het gisteraand al kamp opgeslaan.Niemand mag nou meer uit die kamp gaan nie , want daar is te veel verkeer wat inkom.
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Die plek waar die dienste gehou word

Daar is ongeveer 200 000 bale uitgepak vir sitplek. Die persoon wat die verste van die verhoog af sit , is omtrent 250 meter.
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